Diabetes is a condition that affects a great number of people and has a number of very serious effects on the body. Even a very small injury that can even go unnoticed on the foot can cause more infections due to the diabetics slow healing ability. Infections can get out of control and lead to amputation. Despite these possible problems the diabetic foot is quite simple to care for with just a bit of extra attention and vigilance.
Each foot care treatment involves a search of the foot for diabetic related problems or signs. A good foot care routine is advised and includes the following.
....If you can then examine your feet by looking and feeling
....Wear good fitting shoes and socks without a seam
....Any bruising, discolouration, numbness or even the tiniest of cuts must be carefully monitored and noted if they are healing or worsening. If in any doubt seek medical advice.
....If you have vision problems then don't risk cutting your nails as you may cut the skin.
....Thoroughly dry your skin after bathing and before putting socks on.
The diabetic foot may have suffered nerve damage and this limits the ability to know if an injury has occurred. Don't take any risks call for professional foot care.